A New Way of Advertising
Customers see an ad on BoydTX.email and decide to patronize the advertiser. They reserve a cash reward online, then verify with the advertiser (usually at purchase). The reward amount is based on how much advertiser is paying. When a consumer reaches $5.00 or more in their reward account, they can request a check.
It's free to list a pay for results (PFR) ad; advertisers pay only when they verify a customer's purchase or presence in their business. The advertiser can limit daily verifications, and set a weekly budget. Businesses with high-value transactions may choose to offer a larger reward to entice more customers. PFR ads will disappear from the listings when the verification limit is reached.
Or an advertiser can choose to pay for a word ad for a set length of time. Word ads are shown in the listings for the entire length of the placement.
Businesses benefit from listing both ads.
Local nonprofit(s) are funded by each verification.
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